Posture Correction

The Use of Therapeutic Exercise Programs for Posture Correction

Good posture is essential for good health, according to the American Chiropractic Association (ACA). However, the correct alignment of body parts may be difficult for some people to achieve, especially after years of poor posture habits.  But with the use of therapeutic exercise programs, posture correction is possible.

The Benefits of Good Posture

Poor posture can be a result of stress, obesity, tight or weak postural muscles as well as unhealthy sitting and standing habits.

Correct posture has a myriad of advantages including:

  • Keeping bones and joints in correct alignment so that muscles are used correctly
  • Decreasing the abnormal wearing of joint surfaces that could lead to degenerative arthritis and joint pain
  • Reduce stress on the ligaments holding the spinal joints together
  • Help prevent back and muscular pain

Posture Correction

With proper posture, we feel healthier and have more energy.  A qualified chiropractor can work with you to obtain proper posture, including recommending therapeutic exercise programs to strengthen core postural muscles.

Correcting bad posture and the physical problems that result can be accomplished in two ways.

  1. Eliminate stress. This includes all the factors, habits, or stressors that cause your body to deviate from your structural center. Unhealthy stress can result from a poorly designed workstation, incorrect seats in your car, or even from carrying too much weight around in a heavy purse or backpack.
  2. Therapeutic Exercise Program. A series of exercises, stretches, adjustments and changes to your physical environment can be created for posture correction. The goal is to get the body back to its center of balance. Individualized exercises by a licensed chiropractor will address strength, flexibility, balance, endurance and functional impairments all aimed at long-term posture. These exercises also provide many additional benefits to a person’s overall health by maximizing energy, improving self-esteem, increasing mental focus and helping to reduce the risks of various illnesses.

A Natural Option for Perfect Posture

At Brooklyn Integrative Health Care, in Bay Ridge, New York, we offer a combination of services that benefit the mind and the body to help create vitality, balance, good health, and alleviate pain. Dr. Huml is both a licensed chiropractor and nutritionist, and a member of the American Chiropractor Association (ACA) with over 30 years in practice.

If you are experiencing pain and believe posture correction through a personalized therapeutic exercise program would be beneficial, call our clinic to make an appointment at 718-748-6644 or email us at [email protected] today! We are committed to providing natural health solutions to obtain the maximum quality of life. Plus, we offer the best massage in Brooklyn to soothe tired and sore muscles.

Hours of Operation




12:00 pm - 5:30 pm




12:00 pm - 5:30 pm




10:00 am - 1:00 pm



12:00 pm - 5:30 pm
12:00 pm - 5:30 pm
10:00 am - 1:00 pm

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